Tak tau nak letak tajuk apa...
Saje je nak update something....lama x mencoret kat sini...mood nak menulis hilang buat seketika...
bz dgn went well in 2014....
This is my latest xtvt/obsession....stop kejap citer korea...
Lately ni byk sgt drama melayu yang best2...tapi x sempat nak tgk...blk kerja smpi umah dah kul 7/8pm...kul 10pm dah, mmg tak sempat nak follow drama2 ni....
Prefer citer dah abis..then br marathon....
Tapi citer BKATC ni mmg sgtlah ketinggalan dok giler2 ngan si Jebat ni...slalu tgk kengkawan dok update status dulu...masa tu x terasa nak tgk pun sbb x berapa minat nga si hero ni....sekali last week tertengok yg ulangan kat ASTRO..tapi episod 30 lebih dah camtu....skali ko...OMG....terus search nak tgk full....Puas la mencari sana sini..tanya pakcik google dpt tgk 3 episod je full....oh tidak...tak leh tido teringat2 ni......
Dah puas berusaha, akhirnya jumpa la kat ASTRO ON THE GO.....skali kena beli la pulak....RM30 utk full 59 ep boleh tgk dlm masa sebulan...2 hr jugakla pk nak beli ke tak....akhirnya click jugakla 'BUY NOW'...hahaha tak yah tgu sebulan...4 mlm dah settle....rabak jugakla mata...dahla ari kerja...halus.......
"Sekali aku cinta sampai
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
~ lovely weekend
Uish..lama giler tak update blog...
Mood utk blog hilang ntah ke mana...hari ni tiba2 je rasa nak update....
Gambar2 ni xtvt pagi semalam....
Suka tgk gambar2 time...skali skala spend time camni best rupanya...tak perlu modal besar, tak perlu travel jauh2...
Asalnya pg tu Adam ada kelab bola kat mmg xtvt rutin setiap pagi ahad...on d way ke skolah tu..Adam pki kasut bola dlm kereta, skali dah tak muat...nak beli baru, kedai tak bukak lagi...So, tukar plan gi playground, main badminton..kebetulan Jumaat baru beli racket kat diorang sorang satu.. (beli kat DAISO jer), masing2 tgh xcited nak main badminton...
So, beli breakfast n mkn kat pun xde, so, mmg best n enjoy main kat playground...buat cam tmn sendiri jer....ibu ngan ayah pun take turns main rupanya..peluh gak skit2....lps 2jam budak2 ajak balik..dah penat...
Hope boleh buat xtvt camni everyweek... :)
Friday, May 2, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
~ Saya dah jadi Mak Ngah...
Proudly present my 1st niece.....
Nur Hana Safiya
Alhamdulillah, my lil sis dah selamat melahirkan baby girl pada 140314. Bersalin di H.Kajang around 9.++am...baru tau rupanya kat H.Kajang husband tak leh masuk labour room. Bayangkan masuk labour room kul 11pm, trs takde apa berita...takde pun nurse ke dtg update...sian mak ngan adik ipar tgu kat hospital..last2 dekat kul 12tgh hari tu tanya barula tau adik dah selamat bersalin....tgh proses nak bersihkan baby dan jahit 'crostich'..hehehe..ngeri lak rasa...rupa2nya, kul 9 lebih dah bersalin..punya tercongok mak ngan adik ipar ni kat luar bilik tu..
Aperpun..semua dah pun selamat...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
~ Tesco Online Shopping
Ye...lori dah sampai....
Si Aqil ngan Aqif sama sibuk nak check barang...
Ni kali kedua beli online with far puas hati dgn perkhidmatan yang diberi, terus di depan pintu rumah....
Kenapa saya suka beli online?
1. Jimat masa. Even ada delivery charge RM10, still worth it at least to me.
2. Boleh shopping dengan bertenang.klu tak, tak dan ambik barang ada yg berlari..ada yg nak berdukung, nak itu nak ini...
3. I don't have specific brand in my mind...apa yg sale, yg tu la, boleh cuba mcm2, bila dah bersenang-lenang dpn PC, I can browse almost all products in mall and compare the price.. :)
4. You can control your budget. You can see total amount before check out, so klu cam terlebih budget, boleh buang balik brg2 kehendak. focus on keperluan only.
Things you should know:
1. You can book delivery slot depends on your availability.
2. You may amend your shopping list before 11pm the same day you place the order.
3. No charge if you have to cancel your order.
4. You can order frozen food too.
5. If the things you order out of stock, they may substitute with similar things, but you have option not to accept it.
6. As for now, they only accept payment with Credit Card only
Thursday, March 6, 2014
~ Yummylicious.....
It's so yummy....and guess what??? both are under RM100....Check ZALORA website...they have new Brand call EZRA.......
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
~ Bekal lagi
Citer pasal bekal lagi...hehehe..
Menu last week sama je ngan week before..kita ikut jer apa yg anak request...
Kang masak penat2 klu tak mkn membazir lak..
Isnin - Bihun goreng
Selasa - Nasi lemak + Sambal telur
Rabu - Bihun goreng lagi...
Khamis - beli
Jumaat - beli
Thursday, February 27, 2014
~ Meat Ball Recipe
Nanti nak try recipe ni lak..
Recipe: Meatball / Meatloaf Mixture
- 4 pounds ground beef
- 3 cups bread crumbs
- 6 eggs, beaten
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 3 cloves garlic
- 2 Tablespoons dried parsley
- 1 Tablespoon dried basil
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt
- Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Don’t mix too much, just enough to distribute ingredients throughout mixture.
- Form into meatballs or divide into four parts and form four meatloaves. These are not very salty meatballs, since you will serve them with sauce or gravy.
- For meatballs, bake in 350° oven for 15 minutes or until cooked through for meatballs. Cool, label, and freeze.
- For meatloaves, wrap, label and freeze. When ready to serve, thaw and bake 45-60 minutes or until cooked through.
Credit to:
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
~ Cheezy Rolls Recipe
1. Instant Pastry sheet - I used brand 'Kawanku'
2. Sos
3. Mozarella cheese
4. Inti mengikut citarasa - chicken slice, hotdog, inti karipap, sambal ikan bilis
1. Sapu sos kesukaan atas kulit pastry
2. Letak inti kesukaan
--chicken slice dan peperoni cam dlm gambar tu beli kat Pasar Tani Kinrara (Selasa mlm). Ada pak cik ni jual mcm2 jenis frozen food yg digunakan kat
Domino's, Pizza, Subway, Dunkin, yg pepperoni tu RM18 for 1/2kg..pepperoni ni kan ke nipis, 1/2kg tu mmg byk giler lah...
Domino's, Pizza, Subway, Dunkin, yg pepperoni tu RM18 for 1/2kg..pepperoni ni kan ke nipis, 1/2kg tu mmg byk giler lah...
--dah buat guna sambal ikan bilis..sedap kepada yg suka pedas
3. taburkan cheese pastu gulungkan..
4. Boleh sapu kuning telur nak bg cantik atau tabur cheese lagi..
5. Bakar pada suhu 180-200 celcius untuk 15-20m
*Boleh jugak buat banyak2 pastu freezekan..bila nak mkn terus bakar je...mudah dan cepat..

*ni yg buat utk frozen...
Original Recipe -- Credit to

*ni yg buat utk frozen...
Original Recipe -- Credit to
Friday, February 21, 2014
~ Freezer Meal Plan
Kejap je dah hr Jumaat..
Alhamdulillah, last week plan to cook bekal for Adam's tercapai....
I start on Tuesday since hr Ahad tu br smpi from Jengka - wedding my cousin..
So, here is the menu:
1. Selasa - Nasi lemak
2. Rabu - Cheezy Rolls
3. Khamis - Nasi Goreng
4. Jumaat - Mee Goreng
It was my 1st time making the cheezy rolls and the kids and I love fact I make it twice this week...
Sgt senang nak buat and I plan to make some more and freeze it...
This week I browse some guide on Freezer Cooking and thingking of doing it..
So, will study and prepare on this weekend....
Freezer Cooking Tutorial and Guide
Alhamdulillah, last week plan to cook bekal for Adam's tercapai....
I start on Tuesday since hr Ahad tu br smpi from Jengka - wedding my cousin..
So, here is the menu:
1. Selasa - Nasi lemak
2. Rabu - Cheezy Rolls
3. Khamis - Nasi Goreng
4. Jumaat - Mee Goreng
It was my 1st time making the cheezy rolls and the kids and I love fact I make it twice this week...
Sgt senang nak buat and I plan to make some more and freeze it...
This week I browse some guide on Freezer Cooking and thingking of doing it..
So, will study and prepare on this weekend....
Freezer Cooking Tutorial and Guide
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
~ More Lets Get Organised Tips..
Share it here so that I won't forget to browse later.... :)
Friday, February 14, 2014
~ Lunch Box Planner
It's Friday's time to plan for nextweek lunch box... :)
Adam prefer bawak bekal ke's either home cook or from nasi lemak makcik tepi jalan....
So far, I've prepared nasi goreng, mee goreng, bihun goreng, sphagetti, fettucine...pusing2 ni je menunya sbb dah tak tau nak masak apa..
Dah 2 minggu tak masak for his bekal coz I just got blank when wake up in the morning...So, MUST have this planner so that I can prepare the ingredients the night before....
Bila google tgk recipe, mostly berasakan roti, pie, I wish he loves to eat all these...senang pun senang...but being melayu sejati...he's ok of having nasi lemak 5 days in a row..
Ok, mummy, let's put on your chef hat,and we'll see what we have next week....
~ Declutter Challenge: Task 1 - Task 7
Nampaknya, dah ketinggalan 7 minggu...takpe..kita buat setahun punya project..hehehe..
Task 1 – Your vision board
--Task 1 ni boleh skip je sepanjang tahun berubah...tapi yg main for 2014, I want to be more organised... :)
Task 2 – Kids Artwork, Drawings and Creations
--Ok, yang ni boleh buat..I have 2 boxes simpan khazanah budak2 ni...hasil karya budak2 ni in 2012 and 2013..
Task 3 – Drop Zone
--Wajib buat...tgh cari idea yg cantik dan murah..:) selalu sangat kat umah ni missplace kunci..
Task 4 – Junk Drawers
--Erm...nak mula yg mana yer? bilik kerja? drawers kat rak tv? maybe I should add wardrobe too in the list...
Task 5 – Books & Bookshelves
--I should target our bilik kerja dulu...
Task 6 - The Plastics Cupboard
-- I've done this last month... will share some photos later...
Task 7 – Kitchen Appliances
--Yg ni pun in progress... :)
Tak sabar lak nak tgu Task 8..hehehe...
~ Organised School Bags by Organised Housewife
I should try this too since my kids have total of 5 bags...
Balik umah je semua main campak jer dpn pintu...
We should have this at home.... :)
Eh, tak sabar lak nak tgu duit kutu...leh gi IKEA..heheheh
Thursday, February 13, 2014
~ Organised Housewife...
I found this great blog via FB.
The writer share tips and tricks on how to organise house, recipes and lots more..
This is one of interesting tips..Declutter 52 Things in 52 weeks....
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
~ Menu Pagi ni....
Mee goreng - hasil tangan ayah untuk bekal Adam
Roti pizza - request from Aqil & Aqif for breakfast
Nugget utk jamuan KAFA Adam petang nanti... :)
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
~Twin's 1st homework
Pejam celik pejam celik dah 5thn dah si aqil n aqif ni...
Arini blk ada hwork..excited nak buat...biasalah 1st time bawak blk hwork..
Still igt masa 1st homework adam..nangis2 nak siapkan...
Kali ni pulak lain skit..kecoh, huru hara semua ada....aqil tulis satu panggil ibu srh tgk...tgh tgk aqil..aqif pulak pgl srh pegang tangan sbb tak pandai lg nak tulis huruf s....
Ibu lak mata sibuk kat tv layan liga perdana kedah vs perlis...sambil2 sidai kain,basuh kain....
Baru siap 1 page,dah nak rehat...takpe..esok smbg lg...
Lupa lak nak citer...time kecoh2 ajar budak2 ni...tak sedar adam amik video....bagus jugak boleh buat kenangan esok2 bila diorang dah bsr nnt....
Arini blk ada hwork..excited nak buat...biasalah 1st time bawak blk hwork..
Still igt masa 1st homework adam..nangis2 nak siapkan...
Kali ni pulak lain skit..kecoh, huru hara semua ada....aqil tulis satu panggil ibu srh tgk...tgh tgk aqil..aqif pulak pgl srh pegang tangan sbb tak pandai lg nak tulis huruf s....
Ibu lak mata sibuk kat tv layan liga perdana kedah vs perlis...sambil2 sidai kain,basuh kain....
Baru siap 1 page,dah nak rehat...takpe..esok smbg lg...
Lupa lak nak citer...time kecoh2 ajar budak2 ni...tak sedar adam amik video....bagus jugak boleh buat kenangan esok2 bila diorang dah bsr nnt....
Friday, January 24, 2014
~ Yg Mana Satu???
Thinking to extend this keep all scool's stuff and kids clothes, as they normally get ready at living room...and easy for me to change Adam's book following his daily timetable..So, everything is keep at one place...senang....
After considering on price, size and are the shorlisted...Still can't decide either #2, #3 or #4... :)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
~New Routine 2014
sbb dah tahu this is not honeymoon year, awal2 dah prepare mental dan fizikal...
start christmas dah ambik cuti nak prepare apa2 yg patut....nak rehat puas2..tu yg terlepas ke langkawi tu..hehehe...
Alhamdulillah..dah nak abis january dah pun...dah boleh adapt dgn new schedule... :)
So far, happy with my new routine....
Adam pun prefer bawak, hari2 siapkan bekal..
kena prepare 2 bekal...satu yg simple cam roti bakar, sandwish, nugget ke untuk mkn dlm keta on the way nak smpi sekolah....satu lagi bekal utk time rehat....smpi tak tau dah nak masak apa..sebab si Adam ni tak minat roti2 ni....nasi goreng, mee goreng, meehoon goreng semua dah....pusing2 yg tu je pun....
Byk gak kisah/pengalaman anak bersekolah ni.....I'm enjoy every single of it...cuma time drama air mata nak buat homework jer...agak stress....
Ni baru sorang..bila 3-3 dah sekolah tak tau la camna lak ragamnya....
Some of my new routine.....
#1: Basuh kasut sekolah
1st week, semangat basuh sekolah..lps tu hampeh...
#2: Prepare beg
beg sekolah keb, beg kafa, beg aqil, beg aqif, beg transit....
#3: Check homework & stationary
Tiap2 mlm check buku mesej - sek keb, kafa, dunia elit...any info cikgu letak dlm ni
Check homework, alat tulis, tukar buku ikut jadual sekolah.....
#4: Ironing
Sebelum ni serious paling tak suka iron2 ni...ada satu masa tu baju kerja semua antar dobi...Itulah org kata, tak suka maka tak cinta...Skrg ni dah suka sbb sambil iron leh layan tv.... sambil tgk tv sambil iron..tgk2 dah siap :)
#5: Prepare breakfast/bekal
ni takde gambar sbb pagi2 semua nak cepat...tu asyik tak igt je....
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
~Semangat Baru di Tahun Baru
Hari ni 1st day msk ofc after long holiday....maklumlah anak nak msk darjah 1...
Before break last year, sempatlah kemas workstation..dgn
harapan bila msk ofc di thn baru rasa suasana baru...nak tgu
Position baru tak tau bila...hehehe....
Semua docs masuk file elok2..cantik mata memandang...
Lps ni mesti hr dah tak bg surat cinta dah...
Before this dah 2x dah dpt notes "pls tidy up...."
Harap2 keadaan meja ni lama bertahan.....
Before break last year, sempatlah kemas workstation..dgn
harapan bila msk ofc di thn baru rasa suasana baru...nak tgu
Position baru tak tau bila...hehehe....
Semua docs masuk file elok2..cantik mata memandang...
Lps ni mesti hr dah tak bg surat cinta dah...
Before this dah 2x dah dpt notes "pls tidy up...."
Harap2 keadaan meja ni lama bertahan.....
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