Monday, May 17, 2010

~ Demam...Demam..

Dah hampir sebulan virus demam ni berlegar2 in my family...
Lepas sorang2 kena...Aqil and Aqif bergilir-gilir...sorang baik..sorang lak demam..
And the latest Adam lak demam semalam....dah lama sgt Adam tak demam..dah tak ingat dah when was the last time he had fever..Bgn pagi semalam..ok jer..dlm kul 11 camtu I brougth him to Mydin..cuaca mmg panas sesangat semalam..Smpi je umah, Adam muntah lps minum milo kotak..then trs cam lemah dan badan dia start panas..LPs dah mandikan semua, dia tido...Around 3pm we went to my friend's house. She had a small party..This time Adam dah ok..temperature pun ok..makan main cam biasa..
Later in the evening around 6pm camtu Adam start melepek balik..muka pun dah merah..Since we dont have any medicine for him at home, hubby took him to the clinic after maghrib...
He refused to had dinner. He just had a bottle of milk and doze off...
Pagi ni..siap2 nak gi kerja..nmpk dia still lemah..panas pun a bit high..Kesian lak nak hantar gi,we decide that he will stay at home with hubby..since I still on probation..tak leh nak cuti lagi..
Dah la dah lmbt pagi tadi..coz plan harini nak gi kerja naik moto..I drive to the office after sending my twins to the nursery..Alhamdulillah..smpi opis kul 8.33am..tak lewat sangat...
Skang ni..bdn je kat opis..fikiran asyik igt kat anak2 je..hopefully boleh blk awal hr ni...

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