Wednesday, December 19, 2012

~ Tadika Sesi 2013

Okes...tak lama lagi 2013 akan menjelma....
I'm sure parents out there yg ada anak sekolah, mesti tgh bz preparing all the school stuff and everything....

Same here....tapi takdela bz mana pun....sbbnya Adam akan stay kat tadika yg sama next year....cuma we decided to transfer Aqil & Aqif from playschool to the same kindy as their brother....
Faktor utama, sbb biar duduk setempat and it easier for us to send and to fetch them especially for me yg tak berapa cekap bawak keta ni.....

Actually playschool Aqil ngan Aqif dan tadika Adam, under same just that they separate for playschool and real tadika....dan tadika Adam lebih dekat to our house...At first rasa cam cepat sgt sbb br 4 Adam pun we send him tadika at 5yrs..masa 4 yrs kat playschool lagi...tapi selain dpd faktor utama td, faktor sampingan yg lain adalah they already go to playschool since they're 2yrs old...sbbnya nursery yg kami hantar tu mmg ada skali, skang ni mmg dah master ABC dan 1-10 in english and malay...dah tau nyanyi nursery ryhmes...dah tau tulis buku yg sambung titik2 tu....dah boleh tulis ABC, we think that they're to Adam dulu, he never been to, bila kitorang pindah rumah dan jumpa tadika ni, we decided to send him to playschool dulu..sbb masa tu at 4yrs old...Adam tak kenal lagi ABC...
Come to think of it, rasa bersalah lak....and sedikit menyesal sbb tak antar Adam sekolah dr kecik....

Faktor sampingan yang seterusnya ialah diorang dah tak pki pampers.....lama dah nak update pasal ni...tapi asyik miss je...rasanya dlm bln 10 aritu I start trained them... ni pun sbb nak prepare diorang utk tadika....Alhamdulillah.....berjaya jugak.....even not 100%....sbbnya they still do their big business in diapers....and tido still pki.....tapi takpe....we will make sure in 2013...hopefully before their 4th birthday in August....mission accomplish 100%.... smlm blk kerja dah gi register budak2 ni....ty pasal fee, to those yg nak tau fee Tadika Dunia Elit...

Untuk playschool+daycare (3-4 yrs) = RM300
Untuk tadika +daycare (4yrs) = RM320
Untuk tadika+daycare (5yrs) = RM370

1st registration fee including Jan fee = 8++ ni utk first timer...klu cam kami yg continue..ada beberapa fee yg dpt total dlm 7++.........

Okes....mari kira total fee utk Adam, Aqil dan Aqif.....

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