Saturday, January 15, 2011

~ Kerja..Kerja..Kerja...

Since I joined this company last April, alhamdulillah diberi kepercayaan utk involve in 3 projects non-stop.....Best mmg best sbb I got to learn a lot of things..tapi cabarannya tetap ada...Cabaran nak adapt to new work environment..handle customer...handle superior..hehehe..buat cabaran paling besar nak balancekan antara kerja dan family...most of the time mmg smpi rumah after 8pm...kadang2 weekend pun kena kerja..nasib baik lah dapt hubby yang sentiasa menyokong dan boleh bertolak ansur..tolong jaga anak2 on weekends....
As for now, I love my job ...lagipun baru 9mths..klu dah lama nnt tak tau la pulak kan...sbb dulu 5thn kerja R&D dept. Terperap je dlm in day out buat kerja yg about the same..tgk muka yg, mmg smpi satu tahap dah lemau...
Setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya...Walaupun masa mula2 resign sbb company problem salary...then cari kerja sana sini takde rezeki...akhirnya dpt kerja kat sini...byk dpt belajar benda baru selain testing...sedikit sebanyak polish up skit my technical skill...then involve dgn end user..buat UAT, training,, semuanya benda baru walaupun pengalaman kerja dah nak msk 6thn..
So, sepanjang Jan ni mmg super duper bz...tu yg dah jarang online bisnes pun dah lama terabai...mmg smpi umah je igt nak tido je...
Harap2 cepatlah abis bulan 1 ni..nak rehat sblm start bz balik middle feb..huh...


farrah said...

Salam Shu.

Long time no see, how are you? ^_^

Anyway, just nak inform arra sekarang bersama Prudential. We have a lot of attractive insurance policy, savings + investment linked, retirement, child education plans etc for all types of people (individual/family). So kalau Shu and family aren't yet covered or berminat to know more about other products under Prudential roof, let me know, ok? Besides, long time no see!!! Apsal gathering sokmo tak datang? ;P Hehe...

Let me know.

thank you.


Kelab Kembar Malaysia said...

Salam tuan tanah!

penat kerja yer?

Awal Feb free tak?

Jom join gathering geng kembar..

boleh cek kat sini

Normala.MS said...

salam shu..huhu bz nye.bile la kite ble jmpe yek.duk dh dkt dah..nt dah pindah lg ssh nak jmpe.ade rezki we meet k..