Thursday, June 25, 2009

~Happy Mood...

We just got a phone call today..
Next week sign SnP...
Hopefully everything goes well..really hope can move before the delivery.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

~24 Weeks

By 24 weeks your twins are proportioned like newborns but thinner - their "baby" fat hasn't yet developed. Although they're getting heavier every day, their skin still appears wrinkled because they need to gain more weight. Their lips are distinct and their eyes are formed, though the iris (the coloured part of the eye) still lacks pigment. The pancreas and the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands, essential in the production of hormones, are developing steadily. Tiny eyebrows and eyelids are now visible. Even this early, the first signs of teeth appear in the form of tooth buds beneath the gum line. Before you know it, your twins will be born, and soon after, their first teeth will come through. Your twins' lungs continue to develop and mature to prepare for breathing. They're swallowing but they normally don't pass their first stool (called meconium) until after birth. Your babies are making breathing movements. They have no air in their lungs yet but it's essential practice for when they are born. More than half of twins are born before term (before 37 weeks). If your babies were to be born before 24 weeks, they would only have a small chance of survival (less than 10 per cent) even with the right care. Every day in the uterus makes a difference at this stage. Their chance of survival rises rapidly after 26 weeks, and from 32 weeks they should survive if they are growing normally.

18th June yg lepas my pregnancy genap 6mths..So, gi checkup ngan doc pakar kat Hospital Serdang..As usual, part yg menunggu yg rasa lemah sekali..Smpi hospital kul 7.30am..dpt no.18..tapi, kul 12pm baru settle semua.. Alhamdulillah, semuanya Ok..1st baby sebelah kiri kepala dah pusing ke bawah..2nd baby yang belah kanan..kepala kat atas. Doc kata, klu baby mantain position camtu smpi akhir..InsyaAllah leh bersalin normal..Berat baby lak 1st=7++g, yg 2nd=6++g.. dah ada sekilo lebih dlm perut ni..patutla berat je..hehehehe.. So far, baby aktif bergerak..dah boleh nmpk perut ni bergelombang..hehehe..harap2 semuanya selamat smpi ke akhir.. As for mummy lak..berat dah 62kg..klu time Adam dulu..63kg berat one day before delivery..hehehe

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

~Jalan2 ke Alamanda

Last Saturday, pegi Alamanda jap. Tinggalkan Adam kat nursery sbb nak cepat..
Tujuan utama nak gi beli Tomee Tippee Breastpump set yg tgh promotion kat mothercare, nak beli baby carrier yg tgh promotion kat Parkson ngan a few baju utk si kecik..
Yg sedihnya, Parkson Alamanda takde brand SweetCheery..huhuhu..tak dptla carseat tu..kena gi cari kat Parkson lain lak before abis promotion..

Ahad lak gi kenduri kat Puncak Alam..sepatutnya pastu nak gi lagi satu kenduri kat Bagan Lalang..Tapi disebabkan tak berapa larat tambahan gerak dr Puncak Alam pun dah kul, trs je blk umah..Sebelum tu singgah umah distributor pampers..borong pampers 10 pack..hehehe..puas hati..buat bekalan di dalam pantang nnt..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

~Preparing For The Day

Pejam celik pejam celik dah nak msk 6mths..Cepatnya masa berlalu..Bila tgk calendar 18th June ni ada checkup utk 24weeks baru perasan yg byk lagi benda tak prepare..Jadi mlm minggu camni terasa rajin lak nak start buat sikit2..Adam pun dah tido kul 10pm tadi..Klu tak, jgn haraplah nak buat semua ni...Adam ni terlebih rajin berkemas..kang abis semua dia kemaskan..pastu klu ada baju yg dia berkenan ke..jam2 tu jugak nak pakai..Jadi, bila dia dah tido bolehlah buat kerja ngan aman...hehehe

First start dgn sorting baju2 Adam..Mostly boleh pakai lagi..cuma tak cukup set..Ada yg ada seluar je..ada yg ada baju je..So, nnt just beli tambah mana2 yg patut skit2..Tambahan baju sleeveless ngan yg lubang2 tu..Masa time Adam aritu takde experience..pilih baju tgk mana yg cantik ja..last2 ms dlm pantang, most of the time Adam tak berbaju..sebabnya panas sgt masa tu..abis satu badan naik, this time nak kena spare byk skit baju yg nipis2..

Then, kemas lak kotak brg2 hamper yg dpt masa Adam lahir. Rezeki Adam murah sgt..mmg byk sgt smpi dah 2 thn pun tak abis2 lagi brg2 tu..Dah lps pilih2 mana2 yg still elok dapatla sekotak bedak2, shampoo,, part ni tak yah beli dah..yg ada ni pun mkn bulan nak habiskan..Alhamdulillah..

Rasanya next weeklah baru basuh baju2 ni..sbbnya this week dah full..Esok nak gi Parkson Baby Fair. Pastu Ahad lak ada 2 kenduri kahwin..

Hmm...byk lagi benda nak kena siapkan ni..harap2 semuanya berjalan lancar..Aminnnn

~Balik Kemaman

Last weekend balik Kemaman setelah sekian lamanya tak berkunjung ke sana..
Kebetulan ada wedding my close friend kat Dungun..Along ngan Ira pun tgh, we all blk kampung sesama..Lama dah tak kumpul ramai2..Last skali masa Chinese New Year klu tak silap..
Walaupun balik 3 hari je..tapi sgtlah best..dapat makan masakan mak..relax2..huh..bestnya cuti..

Tapi yang tak bestnya..gambar2 sepanjang kat sana termasuklah gambar masa wedding takde..huhuhuh....ntah naper ntah..tiba2 memory card camera tu corrupt..kena format balik..waaaaaa...shiedah..aku takde gambo ngan mu...huk huk huk...

Ntah bila nak balik sana lagi..Rasanya blk berpantang nnt kot...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

~Happy 3rd Anniversary

Happy 3rd Anniversary to us..
I believe this year is the most challenging year for us..
Whatever it is, we will stay together through the hardship....
Hopefully years ahead will bring more happiness to our family...
I dont have any special gifts for you other than my love, doa and our children.

~Cerita Yang Agak Basi~Sepang Circuit Open Track day