Tuesday, April 28, 2009

~Look Fabolous In Your Pregnancy

End of last year, maxi dress ni kira in trend sesangat..time tu tingin gak nak beli..tapi takut org salah anggap igt pregnant lak...sbb perut pun ala2 tak flat sangat..hehehe..
Jadi bila dah pregnant ni..hati ni teringin la nak bergaya ala2 hollywood celebrities..
Kebetulan weekend ni ada 2 kenduri kahwin...Baju kurung mmg semua dah out dah...
Maka, tercapailah hajat yang telah sekian lama terpendam...Order online je pun maxi dress tu...Baru je smpi td..nnt dah pki akan upload gambar kat sini ya....

Friday, April 24, 2009


Sejak dpt tau preggy with twins..mcm2 ada kat kepala ni..
ye la..serba serbi nak kena beli 2..mana yg Adam punya dulu cam carrier boleh guna lagi..cuma kena cari lagi satu...klu semua nak beli baru..mmg kopaklah..
so, alternativenya adalah membeli brg 2nd hand yg still in good condition..
Skang ni pun dah rmi mommies yg buat online business jual brg2 2nd ni...
Setelah 2, 3 minggu survey...pagi ni terpikatlah dengan 2 bouncer FP ni..mmg dah lama dah teringin bouncer ni..mmg dah niat 2nd baby nak beli.maklumlah...masa time Adam tak kenal lagi brand ni..
Bila jumpa jer iklan psl bouncer ni, trs YM owner blog tu..takut terlepas lagi..sbb brg2 2nd yg look like new ni mmg cam goreng pisang panas..Price yg dia letak RM180 each.
Retail price bouncer ni RM299.90..klu 2 dah berapa kan?
So, lps deal gitu gini, dptla RM310 for both..Rasa puas hati dan berbaloi dgn condition 9/10 like new..All functions still ok...Sesaper berminat nak tgk brg2 yg lain leh tgk kat http://bondabranded.blogspot.com/

ni lah dia 2 bouncer yg dibeli..still nmpk cam baru kan..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

~2nd Check Up

Semalam gi check up utk 16 weeks...
Dr awal minggu lagi tertunggu2 dan berdebar2...tak sabar nak tahu perkembangan org kat dlm ni...
Smpi klinik kul 6pm, takde org so trs dpt jumpa doc.
Sblm tu timbang dulu...55.7kg...okla naik 1.4kg dlm ms sebulan...
Mmg tak mkn byk pun..bukan tak lalu..tapi perut mmg rasa penuh sentiasa...breakfast mmg boleh mkn max 2 keping roti...then lunch nasi separuh tak pun suku..dinner lak kadang2 tak mkn pun..Klu mkn terlebih je..pastu mula la rasa tak selesa..mengah..susah nak bernafas..hehehe
Doc check tekanan darah, urine..semua ok..then doc scan..
Alhamdulillah, kali ni jelas nmpk both babies.. size ok ikut minggu..patutla perut rasa sendat je..2-2 size lebih kurang jer..kali ni doc bgtau baby duk dlm different sack with different placenta..ada possibility leh dpt sepasang...tak kesah sebenarnya gender..as long semuanya selamat..sihat dilahirkan..syukur sesangat dah...
Citer psl perut lak..mmg dah obvious sgt nmpk..klu ms adam, time 5/6mth br nmpk besar..kali ni seawal 4 bulan dah nmpk dah...hehehe...semua baju2 kurung dan jeans pun dah simpan...nak kena cari maternity jeans nmpknya..tak sempat2 lagi nak gi cari..sekarang ni duk pki yoga pant tu je..will upload gambar scan ngan perut nnt....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~1st Checkup

My first pregnancy checkup this time was on 20th March 2009..dah lama dah..but lupa nak upload baby first photo..looking forward next Friday..tak sabar nak tgk perkembangan baby ni...

note: perasan apa2 tak kat gambar scan tu...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

~So much to update.........

But, at the end nothing....
Tak taula..just takde feel nak update blog..tapi hari2 duk blog hopping without fail..hehehe
Just a quick update...
We just lost our grandfather (hubby's) last month. He passed away at 76 years old...Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...........
Adam going to 2yrs old this coming 21st May. Semakin byk ckp even kadang2 tak paham sgt...But, as a mother, I manage to capture few vocabs from him...such as ayen for air, anni for mandi, ayik for ambik..and few more that I can't remember for now.
Today, I'm on my 3rd day leave because Adam got chicken fox. Although he is sick..he is so active as usual that I feel that my working days is not as hectic as my off days. He will throw his toys everywear and everytime you just finished collect them all.
He is so into Ultraman nowadays. I will have my "me time" everyday at 2.30pm. He will sit still in front of TV watching his favaourite hero. I even record the series so that I can play again and again whenever he ask to watch it. As for today, i've watched 3 times of the same series.
The good thing of having days off are I managed to do loads of loads of laundry, cook simple dinner, clean up the mess in the store (still havent finish yet) and start again blogging...hehehe
Some on my pregnancies..everything goes well so far..I didnt put up so much weight so far since I can't eat so much per serving..If not I will have trouble breathing after that...Can't wait for next checkup to see my darling baby.......