Monday, October 25, 2010

~Ibu..Aqif dah pandai jalan!!!

That's Adam's excitement every time nampak Aqif terkedek-kedek berjalan...
Alhamdulillah, last 2 be exact on 15th October Aqif started walking. Lps kuar hospital aritu, he managed to walk on his own 3-5 steps. But, starting 15th Oct, he is really walking by himself. Although at times, he preferred crawling.
Now, I have 3 walking toddler to look after....
Syukur kepadaNYA atas segala rezeki dan rahmat yang dianugerahkan....

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Dear All Visitors,

We're having 2010 BIG SALE to clear all stocks.
Starting from RM1 to RM20 only....
Grab this chance..Items very limited.

Among the attractive offer....GUESS Romper at RM10 only....

Come and visit us and be our facebook fan WIZSHOP

Note: Click on WIZSHOP~All About Baby, Mummy & Family's Fan Box at the side bar

~BAAGUS - Roman Blinds Promotion

Just nak share ngan kengkawan semua..BAAGUS-Fashionable Window Dressing tgh buat sale utk ready made roman blinds..all size at the same price...1 panel ke 2 panel ke same price. Price ikut jenis RM159 and RM169 per set. Then RM280 utk sliding door rasanya..Yg ni set yg DIY meaning that full set with track system..blk pasang sendiri je...heheheh..
Tadi lunch hour sempat la jenguk outlet kat kota damansara...sgt teruja sbb byk sangat pilihan...utk sliding door pun ada tau..corak cartoon ada..plain, abstract..thinking of buying 1 for the kitchen...mmg dah lama sgt teringin nak pki roman blind ni....Ish..lambatnya gaji tak sabar nak membeli..hehehe..
ni website dia..ada byk outlet...BAAGUS - Fashionable Window Dressing
Ish terbayang2 ni tak leh tido...

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Minggu lepas 3 hari 2 bermalam berkampung kat spital...selama tu jugakla tak dpt jumpa Adam ngan Aqil..Sedih sangat..lebih2 ngan Aqil sbb he's on breastfeeding time mlm...
Citernya camni..since sabtu tu Aqif ngan Aqil demam, batuk ngan, cam biasa..bagila ubat demam, batuk ngan selsema..ubat2 tu mmg dah standby dah kat umah..then..demam pun dah kebah..tapi batuk still ada lagi...
Hari selasa, time ambik dr nursery petang tu..tgk Aqif agak lemah..then nafas pun laju dan ada bunyi...dah rasa tak sedap, trs la bawak gi klinik..bila doc check..doc kata teruk ni..kena ambik nebuliser...lps yg 1st round..still takde improvement..ambik lagi sekali..then doc kata, esok pagi dtg lagi utk futher check-up...
Pagi tu gi klinik lagi sekali..kena neb 2 round lagi..then doc suggest srh bawak ke hospital sbb nmpk takde improvement....Trs la ke Emergency...mmg trauma sgt dtg hospital ni sbb teringat time bersalin ngan ulang-alik  ke NICU dulu...Doc check pastu srh buat x-ray...Result x-ray not so convincing..paru2 belah kanan penuh kahak..he needs to be admitted...trs la register itu ini semua 2.30 masuk wad 5A kat h.serdang..
Then, mr hubby balik utk pack barang semua..masa tu duk fikir mlm nnt camne ngan Aqil..berapa lama kena stay spital..boleh ke mr hubby handle budak2 tu...nak masak bubur lagi...mcm2 la.....
Doc diagnosed Aqif with bronchiole pneumonia..kena neb 4 hourly and start on antibiotic...Sedih and risau sgt tgk keadaan Aqif...Alhamdulillah the next day mak call bgtau nak datang tolong tgk Adam ngan Aqil..Thanks  a lot mak....Well, after all mr hubby survive one night without me...Aqil mcm faham je ibu not around...bangun sekali je tu pun dah kul 6am..selalu 2,3 kali bangun malam2.... :)
After 3 days, Aqif dah nampak sihat..happy,, doc decide we can go home and continue jumpa Adam ngan Aqil.....

going to ward 5A
on nebuliser
So weak.....
getting better

penat sampai tertido...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Adam, Aqil and Aqif

Ish....lama giler tak update blog ni...skang ni kat opis dah tak boleh nak update...kat umah lak..harap hari cuti je la kan..contohnya cam skang ni..hehehe...
Actually byk benda nak share kat sini..tapi update pasal anak2 dulu lah..just for self reference in future nanti....

Adam will be 3yrs and 5mths this month...Alhamdulillah, his biggest achievement for now is diaper-free(but not totally yet) and no bottle anymore.....hehehe..Rasanya ada dlm 2 bln kot Adam dah tak pki diapers kat nursery...tapi kat rumah still on off ikut mood dia..Kat nursery ramai kawan2 dah tak pki pampers..tu yg dia pun tak mo pki cikgu dia yg bagitau...tapi kat umah..asyik la teraccident..kadang2 sengaja pun ya jugak..tapi takpe..slow2..I'm confident that towards the end of year he will be diaper free...we still have time to practice ok Adam...
Pasal botol susu lak, I've tried a few times before tapi fail. Masa raya aritu saja je beli Avent sippy cup. Then trs tak buat dah susu dalam works...Then, ada satu hari tu tertinggal sippy cup kat umah..ptg bila ambik dr nursery, adam tanya.."Naper ibu tak bagi botol baru Adam?.." Cikgu dia bgtau he refused to drink from his old bottle..trs tak minum susu hr tu..hehehe..
Skang ni tgh survey2 tadika for him for next year..But my intention just nak introduce him to school, and simple learning cam ABC, 1,2,3 tu je.. Ada byk sgt pilihan kat Puncak Jalil just name it...There's a few that I've viewed online..Cuma nak cari masa gi tgk tpt tu terus and tanya apa yg patut..I prefer yg ada daycare sekali so that tak payah pay extra utk transportation..tapi memikirkan dia dah biasa ngan kawan2 dan selesa kat nursery adik dia pun kat situ..confuse lak..aperpun kita survey dulu...maybe middle oct or early nov nak start mencari.....
Talking about brotherhood, he is a loving brother..tak kedekut nak share dgn adik2, pandai main dgn adik..bolehla mintak tolong ambik pampers ke..susu fact Adam dah boleh tolong suap adik mkn..even tumpah2 tu biasalah kan... Semoga menjadi contoh yang baik kepada adik2..

He'll turn 1yr and 2mths next week. Alhamdulillah, he started walking at 11mths, and sekarang ni dah semakin laju..pantang pagar terbuka..laju je kluar rumah..Dah ada 6 batang gigi..4 kat atas, 2 bawah..Sangatla periang..mudah tersenyum..tapi pada org yg dikenali je..klu bawak kluar jalan2..masam je muka..
Berat terkini bln lps 7.2kg..ringan kan..still bawah graph..tapi mkn takde masalah..bubur nasi 3x between mkn biskut lagi..but, as long he's healthy I'm not so worry..
Ha..he's too into Ultraman mengikut jejak Abang Adam..bila ada je citer ultraman kat tv..trs duduk diam kusyuk tgk tv..Sgt lasak...dah panjat kerusi, meja, tangga pendek kata apa2 je lah yg boleh...

He's little baby...sangat manja...he loves to be cuddled...aqif jenis tak takut org..he can get along dgn saper pun..asalkan org tu dukung atau riba dia..hehehe.Aqif blm berjalan lagi..but, these few days he started a few steps on his own. And just yesterday, he can stand by himself and still standing for a few moments and took 3 steps before he fall...Hopefully he'll start walking soon..Then, I can let they play outside together..
He's current weight 6.7kg..smaller than Aqil..tapi..sebenarnya Aqif eats more than Aqil..tak tau la pi mana zat2 makanan tu..hehehe..Oh..and he got 3 teeths..2 kat ats..1 kat bawah...and he talks a lot too...