AF is one of my favorite show. Even, AF6 kali ni cam kureng je saya tetap setia melayan AF saban malam..Adam jugak tk terkecuali..In fact, he grew along with AF..masa tu he still in the womb..and I miss the final concert of AF5 because I was admitted that night..Klu tau deliver Adam esoknya, baik lepak kat umah layan concert sambil layan contraction..tak la boring sgt bermalam kat hospital sengsorang..hehhe
Well, now musim AF kembali lagi..Maksudnya dah nak dekat setahun since I delivered Adam..How fast time flies..rasa cam baru semalam je..
Cam biasa, mlm2 layan Diari AF sambil lipat kain ke..main ngan Adam ke..but, last night incident was really funny for me..I was breastfeeding Adam while watching the diari..and then it showed the session where the students did the bubbling..
Adam stop minum..terus duduk and suddenly ikut diorang buat bubbling...bila dah abis tu..sambung minum balik..hehehe..Cute sgt..unfortunately tak sempat nak snap pic...